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The new book, a new chapter begins

So today I’m getting into the weeds of Glitter Buckets & Spades, and running through its story a little. It follows Oscar Ockham, owner and operator of the magic and clown supplies shop “Glitter Buckets”, located in the picturesque seaside town of Dawlish, England. He has a lovely life. He has a brilliant girlfriend. He has a couple of friends who wish him no specific evil. And all of that is splendid, until he receives a letter.

I’m sure the details of all that will come up over and over, but I’m going to stop there and let it breathe like a good decanted wine, while leaving here a little quote from the first few pages of the novel.

A lot of me has gone into this book and I’m super excited to share it with the world. I’ll post a few further excerpts, some of the funnier bits of wit, the characters, and a few more pieces that I’m really proud of.

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